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TN Domestic Violence Lawyers

Whether you have been accused of domestic assault or abuse or are a victim needing the legal know-how to strengthen your case, a domestic violence lawyer at Sherwood Litigation can help. We understand that you may be feeling scared, anxious, embarrassed, and even betrayed. Before talking to anyone about your situation, please consult with a criminal attorney.

TN Law: Domestic Violence Charges Explained

What Is Domestic Violence In TN Law?

Domestic violence is not a criminal charge. It is merely a label the courts put on certain “domestic” crimes. The “domestic violence” label tends to enhance the penalties you may face. It also tends to enhance the prosecutor’s efforts to convict you.

Having an experienced domestic violence lawyer who knows all the ins and outs of how to defend against criminal charges with the “domestic violence” label is the best move.

06/04/2024 ARTICLE UPDATE: New law requires GPS devices for defendants to be released on bail if arrested on domestic violence or order of protection violation charges. Read more about The Debbie and Marie Domestic Violence Protection Act.

Case Types Affected By The “Domestic Violence” Label

The types of cases commonly affected by the “domestic violence” label are domestic assault, DCS investigations, harassment, stalking, child endangerment, child abuse, kidnapping, false imprisonment, orders of protection, and violations of orders of protection.

Cynthia Sherwood has been a criminal lawyer in Nashville for over 20 years. She is very experienced with all of these types of cases, having represented clients with virtually every combination of two or more of these charges.

Expectations For Your Domestic Violence Lawyer

Your case is about you, your story, and your future. From the start, we work with you to understand how a domestic charge could affect your life now and in the future. You define what success looks like for your life and, together, we determine the goals for your case.

Your lawyer’s role is to meet your expectations and to be doggedly relentless in that pursuit. Our approach is methodical, tactical, and continuously refined through experience. Learn more about our approach here.

We have significant experience handling charges with the “domestic violence” label. Cynthia Sherwood was also the Chair of the Domestic Violence Project for several years. Personally, she has over 20 years of experience defending people charged with crimes related to domestic assault and abuse. That experience has been methodically distilled into the lessons, best  practices, methods, and tactics that will guide every action and decision we make to achieve your goals.

You do not have to fight this alone. We can and will help guide you through this challenging time. All you need to do is take the first step. Find out exactly how we can help by setting up your free consultation today or call (615) 873-5670.

How To Avoid A Domestic Violence Conviction

There are a multitude of ways to avoid a domestic conviction in Tennessee. When looking to get domestic assault charges dropped, there are 5 general defenses that our attorneys look for first. Keeping those in mind, we want mount an overall vigorous and thorough defense. to cover all the angles.

Mounting A Vigorous Criminal Defense

The key to a great criminal defense is gathering all the facts and being able to tell those facts in a complete and compelling narrative that favors your side of the story.

Often domestic violence offenses are simply overstated by the victim. At the time the crime allegedly occurs, emotions are high, and the parties may speak out of anger rather than fact. Many domestic violence charges stem from situations where tempers flare but no real crime has been committed.


Officers who respond to domestic violence calls typically believe the story of whoever contacts the police first without hearing both sides of the story. One of the most essential parts of defending a domestic violence case is to identify and interview any witnesses to the incident other than the alleged victim or the defendant. A witness could be a friend, family member, or even a neighbor who overhears the argument through the apartment walls.

Credibility & Context

In many cases, however, the only witnesses are the alleged victim and the defendant, and there is often little or no physical evidence of a crime. In these cases, it is usually a battle of credibility between the victim and the defendant. We collect and review every social media post, DM, text message, email, and call log, to help us paint the picture. A victim with a history of repeated calls to the police may be less credible. Equally so, a victim with no calls to the police may be less credible. It all depends on the context and we know how to provide that to the court.


Often times, all the witnesses and all the evidence still doesn’t get us to where we need to be to achieve our goal. In these situations we need to be creative and we are nothing if not creative. For example, this domestic assault case study shows how our domestic violence lawyers get results by thinking creatively.

Resolutions: Drop, Dismiss, Diversion, & Trial

Depending on your situation, there quite a few ways to reach your goals once you have hired a defense lawyer. DISCLAIMER: It is strictly prohibited for any lawyer to guarantee results. While we may share some of our results, we do not guarantee any result.

  1. Charges Dropped – Fight the charge from the start. Getting the charges dropped is always the best outcome and our goal. Mounting a vigorous defense from day one will give us the best chance for getting any criminal charges dropped. Even when it is not a reasonable expectation, setting the bar here gives you the best chance of keeping the charges off your record. For every case, we thoroughly investigate the situations, the parties, available witnesses, and evidence. While each case is unique, many domestic violence-related charges can be dropped completely, even with a criminal history. In April of 2021, we successfully got felony aggravated domestic assault charges dismissed while our client was on probation for a separate domestic assault offense (we did not represent him on the offense he was on probation for).
  2. Get a retirement or dismissal of the charge by agreement with the prosecutor. The deal is accomplished by mounting a vigorous defense, as discussed above, and convincing the prosecutor that you have not committed the crime or that you have such a strong defense that it will be difficult or impossible for the state to convict you.
  3. Negotiate a diversion agreement to have the charge dismissed and expunged. You can also avoid a conviction by negotiating a diversion plea to the charges. With a diversion plea, you plead ‘guilty’ or ‘no contest,’ which is held in abeyance until you comply with certain conditions or terms. This simply means your conviction will not be entered because you have agreed to take a class, do community service, and/or be placed on a form of probation. If you successfully comply with the terms and conditions of the diversion agreement, your charges can be dismissed and expunged from your record. However, if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of the agreement, your conviction can be entered. — Every one of our clients that has opted for a domestic violence diversion plea has been successful. All have had their charge expunged and never had a conviction entered on their record as a result.
  4. Go to Trial. This is usually the last option because of the potential risk. Sometimes the State is just unwilling to drop the charges and refuses to offer a resolution you are satisfied with. A trial is the last remaining route to a successful resolution. Each case is different and there are a lot of factors to consider when making this decision. Before you decide, we will weigh all those factors, explain them to you, and give you our honest assessment of the odds for winning at trial. — Virtually all of our clients have either gotten their domestic violence charges dropped, dismissed, or were offered and chose to accept a resolution that kept the domestic violence charge off their record. This includes clients with prior criminal history like the example provided above in point number 1. None of our clients have chosen to go to trial for a domestic violence charge. (As of April 2021) In 21 years, only 2 or 3 clients (includes Cynthia Sherwood’s clients and every client represented by a lawyer working at Sherwood Boutique Litigation) have chosen to plea to a deal that kept the charge on their record and those already had a domestic violence or other serious conviction on their record.

DISCLAIMER: Again, it is strictly prohibited for any lawyer to guarantee results. While we may share some of out results and result statistics, we do not guarantee any result.

What Happens With A Domestic Violence-Related Conviction

If you are convicted or enter into a plea of guilty to a domestic violence-related crime, you face several potentially severe collateral consequences:

Goals for criminal defense lawyers

A conviction for domestic violence can also be used against you as a basis for obtaining a protective order or in a divorce proceeding if the parties are having a custody dispute.

Goals for criminal defense lawyers

Those convicted of domestic violence-related crimes may also be subject to enhanced or increased penalties if they receive future convictions for other domestic violence offenses.

Goals for criminal defense lawyers

There is also a public stigma attached to domestic violence crimes, and a conviction could interfere with your ability to get a job, apply for credit, rent a home, or volunteer with specific charities.

Goals for criminal defense lawyers

If you are not a U.S. citizen, a conviction for any domestic violence crime may prevent you from obtaining citizenship and may result in deportation (this includes misdemeanor crimes of domestic violence and even diversion pleas).

Goals for criminal defense lawyers

Anyone convicted of a crime of domestic violence loses the legal right to possess either a gun or ammunition of any kind, including hunting rifles and shotguns.

Goals for criminal defense lawyers

Moreover, if you have been arrested for a crime in a domestic violence case, such as assault, stalking, or others, in most circumstances, you will be required to serve 12 hours in jail as a mandatory hold before you can post bond. If, however, you are able to contact an attorney quickly, there are certain circumstances under which that hold can be waived with zealous advocacy.

Domestic Assault Law

In Tennessee, domestic assault is simply a misdemeanor assault (T.C.A. § 39-13-101 Web Search) or felony aggravated assault (T.C.A. § 39-13-102 Web Search) committed on someone you:

Goals for criminal defense lawyers

Have or had a romantic relationship with;

Goals for criminal defense lawyers

Have lived with;

Goals for criminal defense lawyers

Are related to; or

Goals for criminal defense lawyers

Are or were related to by marriage.

However, the statutory penalties for domestic assault are enhanced. In addition to the normal assault penalties, the following apply to domestic assault:

Goals for criminal defense lawyers

Mandatory fine up to $200 if the court determines you can pay; and

Goals for criminal defense lawyers

Mandatory loss of your right to possess a firearm for the rest of your life.

Moreover, if you have been arrested for domestic assault in Tennessee, in most circumstances, you will be required to serve 12 hours in jail on a mandatory hold before you can post bond. There are, however, certain circumstances under which that hold can be waived with zealous advocacy. The difficulty is contacting an attorney quickly enough.

Please don’t wait another day – if you need help, call SBL immediately to help protect your rights and your future.

Additional Information:

For more detailed information about how we defend domestic violence allegations, see our article: How To Get A Domestic Assault Charged Dropped In TN.

Orders of protection are commonly associated with domestic violence. We frequently serve as an Order of Protection Lawyer for respondents and petitioners (one side or the other – not both parties).

The most common reason we are hired to serve as a domestic violence lawyer is for a domestic assault charge.

Our Assault Lawyer and Aggravated Assault Lawyer pages have additional information related to misdemeanor and felony domestic assault charges, respectively.

Another common scenario is violation of probation for domestic violence. Contact us for more information about this.

Criminal Law FAQs

Criminal Attorney vs Domestic Violence Attorney?

What’s the difference between a criminal lawyer and a domestic…

Criminal Attorney vs Domestic Violence Attorney?

What’s the difference between a criminal lawyer and a domestic lawyer?

Generally speaking, there is no difference between the two terms. The use of “domestic violence lawyer” is mostly used as a term of art to discuss a criminal attorney defending charges related to domestic violence. When the term is used by criminal attorneys, it may indicate that they specialize in resolving domestic violence charges. The general term, however, is criminal attorney or criminal defense attorney. Attorney is also interchangeable with lawyer. – “The more you know.”

Is The Victim Able To Drop Domestic Violence Charges In TN?

Can a victim drop a domestic violence charge? The short…

Is The Victim Able To Drop Domestic Violence Charges In TN?

Can a victim drop a domestic violence charge?

The short answer is no; however, having the alleged victim on your side can be very helpful in getting a domestic assault charge dropped. The reason the alleged victim cannot drop the charge is that it is the state of Tennessee that is actually bringing the charges against you. The prosecutor for the State will more than likely move forward with or without the victim’s consent. Whenever a victim wants to drop the charges, the prosecutor’s office often cites cycles of abuse and domestic violence statistics to justify their reasoning for going forward with the prosecution. There is also pressure for them to continue prosecuting.

Why the pressure?
Many prosecutors and judges alike have lost their jobs after dismissing domestic charges against a person that later caused serious injury or even murdered the victim from the original domestic violence charge. Additionally, prosecutors see themselves as protecting alleged victims they see as unable to protect themselves.

All hope is not lost.
It is undoubtedly a factor in your favor when the victim does want to drop the charges. The difficulty is deciding exactly how to take advantage of this factor. While the defendant should never talk to the victim, the same rules do not apply to their domestic violence lawyer.

The quicker you get someone fighting for your side, the better your chances of getting out of it are. So start taking control of your fate and call to talk to your domestic violence lawyer today.

What’s The Biggest Mistake We See With Domestic Violence Allegations?

What’s the biggest mistake we see with domestic violence allegations?…

What’s The Biggest Mistake We See With Domestic Violence Allegations?

What’s the biggest mistake we see with domestic violence allegations?

The biggest mistake we see people make is communicating with the alleged “victim.” It is highly encouraged to get a domestic violence lawyer as soon as possible. Regardless of what situation you are in, at least consult with a domestic lawyer before doing anything else.

TN Domestic Violence Lawyers

Whether you have been accused of domestic assault or abuse or are a victim needing the legal know-how to strengthen your case, a domestic violence lawyer at Sherwood Litigation can help. We understand that you may be feeling scared, anxious, embarrassed, and even betrayed. Before talking to anyone about your situation, please consult with a criminal attorney.

TN Law: Domestic Violence Charges Explained

What Is Domestic Violence In TN Law?

Domestic violence is not a criminal charge. It is merely a label the courts put on certain “domestic” crimes. The “domestic violence” label tends to enhance the penalties you may face. It also tends to enhance the prosecutor’s efforts to convict you.

Having an experienced domestic violence lawyer who knows all the ins and outs of how to defend against criminal charges with the “domestic violence” label is the best move.

06/04/2024 ARTICLE UPDATE: New law requires GPS devices for defendants to be released on bail if arrested on domestic violence or order of protection violation charges. Read more about The Debbie and Marie Domestic Violence Protection Act.

Case Types Affected By The “Domestic Violence” Label

The types of cases commonly affected by the “domestic violence” label are domestic assault, DCS investigations, harassment, stalking, child endangerment, child abuse, kidnapping, false imprisonment, orders of protection, and violations of orders of protection.

Cynthia Sherwood has been a criminal lawyer in Nashville for over 20 years. She is very experienced with all of these types of cases, having represented clients with virtually every combination of two or more of these charges.

Expectations For Your Domestic Violence Lawyer

Your case is about you, your story, and your future. From the start, we work with you to understand how a domestic charge could affect your life now and in the future. You define what success looks like for your life and, together, we determine the goals for your case.

Your lawyer’s role is to meet your expectations and to be doggedly relentless in that pursuit. Our approach is methodical, tactical, and continuously refined through experience. Learn more about our approach here.

We have significant experience handling charges with the “domestic violence” label. Cynthia Sherwood was also the Chair of the Domestic Violence Project for several years. Personally, she has over 20 years of experience defending people charged with crimes related to domestic assault and abuse. That experience has been methodically distilled into the lessons, best  practices, methods, and tactics that will guide every action and decision we make to achieve your goals.

You do not have to fight this alone. We can and will help guide you through this challenging time. All you need to do is take the first step. Find out exactly how we can help by setting up your free consultation today or call (615) 873-5670.

How To Avoid A Domestic Violence Conviction

There are a multitude of ways to avoid a domestic conviction in Tennessee. When looking to get domestic assault charges dropped, there are 5 general defenses that our attorneys look for first. Keeping those in mind, we want mount an overall vigorous and thorough defense. to cover all the angles.

Mounting A Vigorous Criminal Defense

The key to a great criminal defense is gathering all the facts and being able to tell those facts in a complete and compelling narrative that favors your side of the story.

Often domestic violence offenses are simply overstated by the victim. At the time the crime allegedly occurs, emotions are high, and the parties may speak out of anger rather than fact. Many domestic violence charges stem from situations where tempers flare but no real crime has been committed.


Officers who respond to domestic violence calls typically believe the story of whoever contacts the police first without hearing both sides of the story. One of the most essential parts of defending a domestic violence case is to identify and interview any witnesses to the incident other than the alleged victim or the defendant. A witness could be a friend, family member, or even a neighbor who overhears the argument through the apartment walls.

Credibility & Context

In many cases, however, the only witnesses are the alleged victim and the defendant, and there is often little or no physical evidence of a crime. In these cases, it is usually a battle of credibility between the victim and the defendant. We collect and review every social media post, DM, text message, email, and call log, to help us paint the picture. A victim with a history of repeated calls to the police may be less credible. Equally so, a victim with no calls to the police may be less credible. It all depends on the context and we know how to provide that to the court.


Often times, all the witnesses and all the evidence still doesn’t get us to where we need to be to achieve our goal. In these situations we need to be creative and we are nothing if not creative. For example, this domestic assault case study shows how our domestic violence lawyers get results by thinking creatively.

Resolutions: Drop, Dismiss, Diversion, & Trial

Depending on your situation, there quite a few ways to reach your goals once you have hired a defense lawyer. DISCLAIMER: It is strictly prohibited for any lawyer to guarantee results. While we may share some of our results, we do not guarantee any result.

  1. Charges Dropped – Fight the charge from the start. Getting the charges dropped is always the best outcome and our goal. Mounting a vigorous defense from day one will give us the best chance for getting any criminal charges dropped. Even when it is not a reasonable expectation, setting the bar here gives you the best chance of keeping the charges off your record. For every case, we thoroughly investigate the situations, the parties, available witnesses, and evidence. While each case is unique, many domestic violence-related charges can be dropped completely, even with a criminal history. In April of 2021, we successfully got felony aggravated domestic assault charges dismissed while our client was on probation for a separate domestic assault offense (we did not represent him on the offense he was on probation for).
  2. Get a retirement or dismissal of the charge by agreement with the prosecutor. The deal is accomplished by mounting a vigorous defense, as discussed above, and convincing the prosecutor that you have not committed the crime or that you have such a strong defense that it will be difficult or impossible for the state to convict you.
  3. Negotiate a diversion agreement to have the charge dismissed and expunged. You can also avoid a conviction by negotiating a diversion plea to the charges. With a diversion plea, you plead ‘guilty’ or ‘no contest,’ which is held in abeyance until you comply with certain conditions or terms. This simply means your conviction will not be entered because you have agreed to take a class, do community service, and/or be placed on a form of probation. If you successfully comply with the terms and conditions of the diversion agreement, your charges can be dismissed and expunged from your record. However, if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of the agreement, your conviction can be entered. — Every one of our clients that has opted for a domestic violence diversion plea has been successful. All have had their charge expunged and never had a conviction entered on their record as a result.
  4. Go to Trial. This is usually the last option because of the potential risk. Sometimes the State is just unwilling to drop the charges and refuses to offer a resolution you are satisfied with. A trial is the last remaining route to a successful resolution. Each case is different and there are a lot of factors to consider when making this decision. Before you decide, we will weigh all those factors, explain them to you, and give you our honest assessment of the odds for winning at trial. — Virtually all of our clients have either gotten their domestic violence charges dropped, dismissed, or were offered and chose to accept a resolution that kept the domestic violence charge off their record. This includes clients with prior criminal history like the example provided above in point number 1. None of our clients have chosen to go to trial for a domestic violence charge. (As of April 2021) In 21 years, only 2 or 3 clients (includes Cynthia Sherwood’s clients and every client represented by a lawyer working at Sherwood Boutique Litigation) have chosen to plea to a deal that kept the charge on their record and those already had a domestic violence or other serious conviction on their record.

DISCLAIMER: Again, it is strictly prohibited for any lawyer to guarantee results. While we may share some of out results and result statistics, we do not guarantee any result.

What Happens With A Domestic Violence-Related Conviction

If you are convicted or enter into a plea of guilty to a domestic violence-related crime, you face several potentially severe collateral consequences:

Goals for criminal defense lawyers

A conviction for domestic violence can also be used against you as a basis for obtaining a protective order or in a divorce proceeding if the parties are having a custody dispute.

Goals for criminal defense lawyers

Those convicted of domestic violence-related crimes may also be subject to enhanced or increased penalties if they receive future convictions for other domestic violence offenses.

Goals for criminal defense lawyers

There is also a public stigma attached to domestic violence crimes, and a conviction could interfere with your ability to get a job, apply for credit, rent a home, or volunteer with specific charities.

Goals for criminal defense lawyers

If you are not a U.S. citizen, a conviction for any domestic violence crime may prevent you from obtaining citizenship and may result in deportation (this includes misdemeanor crimes of domestic violence and even diversion pleas).

Goals for criminal defense lawyers

Anyone convicted of a crime of domestic violence loses the legal right to possess either a gun or ammunition of any kind, including hunting rifles and shotguns.

Goals for criminal defense lawyers

Moreover, if you have been arrested for a crime in a domestic violence case, such as assault, stalking, or others, in most circumstances, you will be required to serve 12 hours in jail as a mandatory hold before you can post bond. If, however, you are able to contact an attorney quickly, there are certain circumstances under which that hold can be waived with zealous advocacy.

Domestic Assault Law

In Tennessee, domestic assault is simply a misdemeanor assault (T.C.A. § 39-13-101 Web Search) or felony aggravated assault (T.C.A. § 39-13-102 Web Search) committed on someone you:

Goals for criminal defense lawyers

Have or had a romantic relationship with;

Goals for criminal defense lawyers

Have lived with;

Goals for criminal defense lawyers

Are related to; or

Goals for criminal defense lawyers

Are or were related to by marriage.

However, the statutory penalties for domestic assault are enhanced. In addition to the normal assault penalties, the following apply to domestic assault:

Goals for criminal defense lawyers

Mandatory fine up to $200 if the court determines you can pay; and

Goals for criminal defense lawyers

Mandatory loss of your right to possess a firearm for the rest of your life.

Moreover, if you have been arrested for domestic assault in Tennessee, in most circumstances, you will be required to serve 12 hours in jail on a mandatory hold before you can post bond. There are, however, certain circumstances under which that hold can be waived with zealous advocacy. The difficulty is contacting an attorney quickly enough.

Please don’t wait another day – if you need help, call SBL immediately to help protect your rights and your future.

Additional Information:

For more detailed information about how we defend domestic violence allegations, see our article: How To Get A Domestic Assault Charged Dropped In TN.

Orders of protection are commonly associated with domestic violence. We frequently serve as an Order of Protection Lawyer for respondents and petitioners (one side or the other – not both parties).

The most common reason we are hired to serve as a domestic violence lawyer is for a domestic assault charge.

Our Assault Lawyer and Aggravated Assault Lawyer pages have additional information related to misdemeanor and felony domestic assault charges, respectively.

Another common scenario is violation of probation for domestic violence. Contact us for more information about this.

Criminal Law FAQs

Criminal Attorney vs Domestic Violence Attorney?

What’s the difference between a criminal lawyer and a domestic…

Criminal Attorney vs Domestic Violence Attorney?

What’s the difference between a criminal lawyer and a domestic lawyer?

Generally speaking, there is no difference between the two terms. The use of “domestic violence lawyer” is mostly used as a term of art to discuss a criminal attorney defending charges related to domestic violence. When the term is used by criminal attorneys, it may indicate that they specialize in resolving domestic violence charges. The general term, however, is criminal attorney or criminal defense attorney. Attorney is also interchangeable with lawyer. – “The more you know.”

Is The Victim Able To Drop Domestic Violence Charges In TN?

Can a victim drop a domestic violence charge? The short…

Is The Victim Able To Drop Domestic Violence Charges In TN?

Can a victim drop a domestic violence charge?

The short answer is no; however, having the alleged victim on your side can be very helpful in getting a domestic assault charge dropped. The reason the alleged victim cannot drop the charge is that it is the state of Tennessee that is actually bringing the charges against you. The prosecutor for the State will more than likely move forward with or without the victim’s consent. Whenever a victim wants to drop the charges, the prosecutor’s office often cites cycles of abuse and domestic violence statistics to justify their reasoning for going forward with the prosecution. There is also pressure for them to continue prosecuting.

Why the pressure?
Many prosecutors and judges alike have lost their jobs after dismissing domestic charges against a person that later caused serious injury or even murdered the victim from the original domestic violence charge. Additionally, prosecutors see themselves as protecting alleged victims they see as unable to protect themselves.

All hope is not lost.
It is undoubtedly a factor in your favor when the victim does want to drop the charges. The difficulty is deciding exactly how to take advantage of this factor. While the defendant should never talk to the victim, the same rules do not apply to their domestic violence lawyer.

The quicker you get someone fighting for your side, the better your chances of getting out of it are. So start taking control of your fate and call to talk to your domestic violence lawyer today.

What’s The Biggest Mistake We See With Domestic Violence Allegations?

What’s the biggest mistake we see with domestic violence allegations?…

What’s The Biggest Mistake We See With Domestic Violence Allegations?

What’s the biggest mistake we see with domestic violence allegations?

The biggest mistake we see people make is communicating with the alleged “victim.” It is highly encouraged to get a domestic violence lawyer as soon as possible. Regardless of what situation you are in, at least consult with a domestic lawyer before doing anything else.

Need Legal Help?

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Let us know how Sherwood Boutique Litigation can help you. For the fastest response, call (615) 873-5670 during business hours. If it’s after hours or you’d like us to call you, fill out our contact form or contact us via live chat. We’re located in the heart of downtown Nashville. Check the map below for directions.

The Communities We Serve

We serve all of the Nashville Metro area communities, which includes Davidson County and all the surrounding counties. However, we sometimes take larger criminal and/or civil cases, such as bank or investor fraud, that may involve litigating multiple states. Aside from the larger case exemption, the full list of TN communities we serve are listed below.

Davidson County
General Sessions Courthouse
Criminal Courthouse
More information

Dickson County
General Sessions Courthouse
Criminal Courthouse
More information

Cheatham County
General Sessions Courthouse
Criminal Courthouse
More information

Williamson County
General Sessions Courthouse
Criminal Courthouse
More information

Wilson County
General Sessions Courthouse
Criminal Courthouse
More information

Robertson County
General Sessions Courthouse
Criminal Courthouse
More information

Rutherford County
General Sessions Courthouse
Criminal Courthouse
More information

Sumner County
General Sessions Courthouse
Criminal Courthouse
More information

Middle District of Tennessee
Federal Courthouse
More information

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