How Long Does An Order Of Protection Last In Tennessee?
How long Tennessee order of protection last?
Tennessee law allows an Order of Protection to be in effect for up to one year, but it can be extended if the order is violated. However, some judges can and sometimes do grant Orders of Protection for shorter periods depending on the case. For instance, the Court may find that a three or six-month Order of Protection is sufficient to address the harm being caused. Most judges do give the full one-year order when granting an Order of Protection. Protection orders can be extended for up to five years if a respondent violates the Order or 10 years if they violate the order a second time. The consequences for violating an order of protection are severe. An Ex Parte Order of Protection does not last nearly as long.
How long does an Ex Parte Order of Protection last in Tennessee?
Ex-Parte Orders of Protection are only granted for up to 14 days in Tennessee, at which point an Order of Protection hearing must be held to allow both parties to be heard.