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GPS Devices Required For Bail On Misdemeanor Domestic Assault Charge?

Technically not; The Debbie and Marie Domestic Violence Protection Act, which goes into effect 07/01/2024, says the magistrate “may” order defendants accused of misdemeanor domestic assault charges to wear a…

GPS Devices Required For Bail On Misdemeanor Domestic Assault Charge?

Technically not; The Debbie and Marie Domestic Violence Protection Act, which goes into effect 07/01/2024, says the magistrate “may” order defendants accused of misdemeanor domestic assault charges to wear a device. In legal language, the term “may” is used to imply something is optional for the court. In contrast, the law uses the term “shall” for felony domestic assault defendants. Whether magistrates will regularly choose to require GPS devices for misdemeanor domestic assault arrests remains to be seen. We expect they will in most misdemeanor cases. Our domestic violence lawyers will fight hard to ensure our clients are released on bail without having to wear a GPS device. Call 615-873-5670 to speak with an experienced defense lawyer.

See: Are GPS Devices Required For Bail On Felony Domestic Assault Arrests?


Police Came, I Left. What If You Have A Domestic Violence Warrant?

What should you do if you have a domestic violence warrant in Tennessee? If the police are called and a police report is filed for domestic violence, you might be…

Police Came, I Left. What If You Have A Domestic Violence Warrant?

What should you do if you have a domestic violence warrant in Tennessee?

If the police are called and a police report is filed for domestic violence, you might be wanted on a domestic assault charge even if you left the scene. First, be sure to find out if you actually have an arrest warrant issued for you. Once you are sure that a domestic violence warrant has been issued for your arrest, you have two realistic options: 1) voluntarily surrender yourself to police custody with your domestic violence lawyer 2) be arrested by police at work, home, or any given time and place.

Either way, expect to wait in jail for at least 12 hours before you can post bond because all domestic violence charges in Tennessee come with a de facto “12-hour hold” upon arrest. This means you will remain in custody for 12 hours after your arrest regardless of a bond posting. With option one, however, there’s a decent chance your lawyer can have that mandatory 12-hour hold waived.

Arranging your surrender will probably be the best option because it puts you and your lawyer in the driver’s seat. While each case is different, we usually suggest this route for our clients because, more often than not, we are able to convince the court to waive the mandatory 12-hour hold and/or reduce the bond amount for our clients in conjunction with a surrender. Contact or call 615-873-5670 to find out what the best option is for your specific set of circumstances.

How Long Does An Order Of Protection Last In Tennessee?

How long Tennessee order of protection last? Tennessee law allows an Order of Protection to be in effect for up to one year, but it can be extended if the order…

How Long Does An Order Of Protection Last In Tennessee?

How long Tennessee order of protection last?

Tennessee law allows an Order of Protection to be in effect for up to one year, but it can be extended if the order is violated. However, some judges can and sometimes do grant Orders of Protection for shorter periods depending on the case. For instance, the Court may find that a three or six-month Order of Protection is sufficient to address the harm being caused. Most judges do give the full one-year order when granting an Order of Protection. Protection orders can be extended for up to five years if a respondent violates the Order or 10 years if they violate the order a second time. The consequences for violating an order of protection are severe. An Ex Parte Order of Protection does not last nearly as long.

How long does an Ex Parte Order of Protection last in Tennessee?

Ex-Parte Orders of Protection are only granted for up to 14 days in Tennessee, at which point an Order of Protection hearing must be held to allow both parties to be heard.

How To Know If There Is An Arrest Warrant For Me In Davidson County?

Is there a way to find out if there is an arrest warrant? If you’re worried you may have been accused of a crime in Metro Nashville-Davidson County, you may…

How To Know If There Is An Arrest Warrant For Me In Davidson County?

Is there a way to find out if there is an arrest warrant?

If you’re worried you may have been accused of a crime in Metro Nashville-Davidson County, you may already have a warrant issued for your arrest. Nashville Metro’s Criminal Warrants Division will not provide warrant information via phone or online so the only way for you to find out if there’s an outstanding warrant for your arrest is by going in-person to the Metro Nashville Police Department’s Criminal Warrants Division and ask. You want to find out as soon as possible so that you are not arrested at your work, home, or other embarrassing or compromising location. Without a criminal lawyer, surrender can be risky.

Obviously, the risk of appearing in-person without a lawyer to inquire about your arrest warrant is that you’ll be arrested right then and there with no representation or guidance if one has actually been issued for you. If that sounds too risky for you, the better option is to consult with a Nashville criminal lawyer. This option removes the risk of appearing without an attorney. We often appear with our client for a voluntary “surrender.”

Arranging a “surrender” gives you more control over your situation. In addition to removing the risk of a surprise arrest, this option can help reduce the amount of time you are held in jail/custody (especially if there is a 12-hour hold for a domestic violence charge) and may also help lower or even eliminate your bond amount. Additionally, our attorneys will coordinate connection between our client and a bondsman prior to surrender so that any necessary details can be worked out in advance. Most people find this option to be much less stressful and cost-effective, but you may not even have a warrant out for your arrest. If you want to find out, give us a call.

Are GPS Devices Required For Bail On Felony Domestic Assault Arrests?

Technically, yes, because The Debbie and Marie Domestic Violence Protection Act,  which goes into effect 07/01/2024, says the magistrate “shall” order defendants accused of felony domestic assault charges to wear…

Are GPS Devices Required For Bail On Felony Domestic Assault Arrests?

Technically, yes, because The Debbie and Marie Domestic Violence Protection Act,  which goes into effect 07/01/2024, says the magistrate “shall” order defendants accused of felony domestic assault charges to wear a device. However, there is one option that TN’s new domestic violence GPS law provides as a way for felony domestic assault defendants to avoid wearing a GPS device: IF the court or magistrate finds the defendant no longer poses a threat to the alleged victim or public safety AND makes such a finding in a written order, THEN the defendant can be released on bail without the GPS system.

Making such a finding in a written order could put the court, and the local jurisdiction in a potentially liable situation should the defendant harm the accuser after their release. As such, the odds of a magistrate doing so are very slim.

However, the odds of domestic assault defendants being released on bail before the mandatory 12-hour hold expires are equally as slim. Yet, our domestic violence lawyers have successfully eliminated or reduced this hold time on multiple occasions. Likewise, our lawyers expect to find success either at the magistrate level or by petitioning the assigned judge to remove the GPS device after the defendant is released on bail. Call 615-873-5670 to speak with an experienced defense lawyer.

See: Are GPS Devices Required For Bail On Misdemeanor Domestic Assault Arrests?

GPS Devices Required For Bail On Misdemeanor Domestic Assault Charge?

Technically not; The Debbie and Marie Domestic Violence Protection Act, which goes into effect 07/01/2024, says the magistrate “may” order defendants accused of misdemeanor domestic assault charges to wear a…

GPS Devices Required For Bail On Misdemeanor Domestic Assault Charge?

Technically not; The Debbie and Marie Domestic Violence Protection Act, which goes into effect 07/01/2024, says the magistrate “may” order defendants accused of misdemeanor domestic assault charges to wear a device. In legal language, the term “may” is used to imply something is optional for the court. In contrast, the law uses the term “shall” for felony domestic assault defendants. Whether magistrates will regularly choose to require GPS devices for misdemeanor domestic assault arrests remains to be seen. We expect they will in most misdemeanor cases. Our domestic violence lawyers will fight hard to ensure our clients are released on bail without having to wear a GPS device. Call 615-873-5670 to speak with an experienced defense lawyer.

See: Are GPS Devices Required For Bail On Felony Domestic Assault Arrests?


Tennessee Ex Parte Orders of Protection

What is an ex parte Order of Protection in TN? An ex parte Order of Protection is a civil order signed by a judge and only lasts for 15 days. The…

Tennessee Ex Parte Orders of Protection

What is an ex parte Order of Protection in TN?

An ex parte Order of Protection is a civil order signed by a judge and only lasts for 15 days. The purpose is to provide Petitioners (victims) of 1) domestic abuse, 2) stalking, or 3) sexual assault with immediate relief. Unlike temporary Orders of Protection, a judge or magistrate makes the determination to grant or deny ex parte Orders based solely on the victims’ claims. Thus, Respondents (defendants) do not have an opportunity to present a defense before the ex parte Order is granted or denied. If granted, a hearing must take place within 15 days.

Tennessee Temporary Orders of Protection

What is a temporary Order of Protection in TN? In TN, a temporary Order of Protection is a civil order signed by a judge that prohibits one person from contacting…

Tennessee Temporary Orders of Protection

What is a temporary Order of Protection in TN?

In TN, a temporary Order of Protection is a civil order signed by a judge that prohibits one person from contacting or going near another person. Orders of Protection are meant to protect victims of 1) domestic abuse, 2) stalking, or 3) sexual assault. Unlike ex parte Orders of Protection, a temporary Order of Protection is only issued after a hearing in which both the Petitioner (victim) and Respondent (defendant) have the opportunity to present their case to the Court. While ex parte Orders only last 15 days, a temporary Order can last for up to one year and may be modified as the Court see fit. The term “temporary” is a little misleading as there is no “permanent” Order of Protection in TN. Violating any protective order is a criminal offense.

Do I Need A Criminal Attorney For A Domestic Violence Charge?​

How do I choose the right lawyer for a domestic assault charge? Without a doubt. In fact, you need a really good one. Consequences for a domestic violence related conviction…

Do I Need A Criminal Attorney For A Domestic Violence Charge?​

How do I choose the right lawyer for a domestic assault charge?

Without a doubt. In fact, you need a really good one. Consequences for a domestic violence related conviction are severe. Any resolution that does not remove the charge from your record will almost certainly cause irreversible economic and social problems for most people. However, with a great domestic violence lawyer, the charge does not have to affect the rest of your life.

The reality is that there is an excellent chance your life can continue as if this never happened. This is not a guarantee of anything, as each case is different. Call or contact us to evaluate your specific case to find out where you stand.

Police Came, I Left. What If You Have A Domestic Violence Warrant?

What should you do if you have a domestic violence warrant in Tennessee? If the police are called and a police report is filed for domestic violence, you might be…

Police Came, I Left. What If You Have A Domestic Violence Warrant?

What should you do if you have a domestic violence warrant in Tennessee?

If the police are called and a police report is filed for domestic violence, you might be wanted on a domestic assault charge even if you left the scene. First, be sure to find out if you actually have an arrest warrant issued for you. Once you are sure that a domestic violence warrant has been issued for your arrest, you have two realistic options: 1) voluntarily surrender yourself to police custody with your domestic violence lawyer 2) be arrested by police at work, home, or any given time and place.

Either way, expect to wait in jail for at least 12 hours before you can post bond because all domestic violence charges in Tennessee come with a de facto “12-hour hold” upon arrest. This means you will remain in custody for 12 hours after your arrest regardless of a bond posting. With option one, however, there’s a decent chance your lawyer can have that mandatory 12-hour hold waived.

Arranging your surrender will probably be the best option because it puts you and your lawyer in the driver’s seat. While each case is different, we usually suggest this route for our clients because, more often than not, we are able to convince the court to waive the mandatory 12-hour hold and/or reduce the bond amount for our clients in conjunction with a surrender. Contact or call 615-873-5670 to find out what the best option is for your specific set of circumstances.

TN Order Of Protection Violation: What Are The Consequences?

What happens if you violate an Order of Protection in Tennessee? It is a criminal offense for a Respondent to violate an Order of Protection. The first and immediate consequence…

TN Order Of Protection Violation: What Are The Consequences?

What happens if you violate an Order of Protection in Tennessee?

It is a criminal offense for a Respondent to violate an Order of Protection. The first and immediate consequence for a Respondent who violates an Order of Protection or is alleged to have violated the order is to be arrested. To be clear, the Respondent will be arrested if the Petitioner alleges that they have violated the order. No investigation or documentary proof is required. A comprehensive list of consequences for Respondents and next steps can be found here, or see what happens if the Petitioner contacts the Respondent.

Someone Has An Order Of Protection Against You And Contacts You. Can You Respond?

In TN, if someone has an Order of Protection against you and they contact you, can you respond? Even if the victim contacts you first, any response by you is…

Someone Has An Order Of Protection Against You And Contacts You. Can You Respond?

In TN, if someone has an Order of Protection against you and they contact you, can you respond?

Even if the victim contacts you first, any response by you is a violation of the Order of Protection. If and when the Petitioner reports your response, you will be subject to immediate arrest and the full consequences for violating an Order of Protection. Unless you also have an Order of Protection against them, a victim with an Order of Protection against you can contact you. However, this type of behavior can be grounds for you to seek a modification or dissolution of the Order of Protection.

The circumstances under which a judge will modify or dissolve an Order of Protection vary widely. If you are in a situation like this, contact us or call 615-872-5670 to discuss what can be done.

Can Someone Violate Their Own Order Of Protection?

Can A Petitioner Violate Their Own Order Of Protection? No. Once an order of protection has been granted against you, it is NOT a violation if the petitioner contacts you…

Can Someone Violate Their Own Order Of Protection?

Can A Petitioner Violate Their Own Order Of Protection?

No. Once an order of protection has been granted against you, it is NOT a violation if the petitioner contacts you. The petitioner is not under any order from the court, but you are. Any response by you is a crime. Do NOT respond. Your best option is to contact an order of protection lawyer. If your response is reported, you will be arrested for violating the protection order. However, you may have options such as getting an order of protection against them or using their contact to petition the court to remove the order against you. Each case is unique so call 615-873-5670 or visit our contact page to see what your options are.

What If You Don’t Show Up To Court For An Order Of Protection Hearing?

What happens when you don’t show up to court for an Order of Protection hearing? If the party seeking the Order of Protection (the Petitioner) fails to show up for…

What If You Don’t Show Up To Court For An Order Of Protection Hearing?

What happens when you don’t show up to court for an Order of Protection hearing?

If the party seeking the Order of Protection (the Petitioner) fails to show up for the Order of Protection hearing, the Order of Protection will be dismissed. If the Respondent fails to show up, but the Petitioner is there, the Order of Protection typically will be granted.

How Long Does An Order Of Protection Last In Tennessee?

How long Tennessee order of protection last? Tennessee law allows an Order of Protection to be in effect for up to one year, but it can be extended if the order…

How Long Does An Order Of Protection Last In Tennessee?

How long Tennessee order of protection last?

Tennessee law allows an Order of Protection to be in effect for up to one year, but it can be extended if the order is violated. However, some judges can and sometimes do grant Orders of Protection for shorter periods depending on the case. For instance, the Court may find that a three or six-month Order of Protection is sufficient to address the harm being caused. Most judges do give the full one-year order when granting an Order of Protection. Protection orders can be extended for up to five years if a respondent violates the Order or 10 years if they violate the order a second time. The consequences for violating an order of protection are severe. An Ex Parte Order of Protection does not last nearly as long.

How long does an Ex Parte Order of Protection last in Tennessee?

Ex-Parte Orders of Protection are only granted for up to 14 days in Tennessee, at which point an Order of Protection hearing must be held to allow both parties to be heard.

How To Know If There Is An Arrest Warrant For Me In Davidson County?

Is there a way to find out if there is an arrest warrant? If you’re worried you may have been accused of a crime in Metro Nashville-Davidson County, you may…

How To Know If There Is An Arrest Warrant For Me In Davidson County?

Is there a way to find out if there is an arrest warrant?

If you’re worried you may have been accused of a crime in Metro Nashville-Davidson County, you may already have a warrant issued for your arrest. Nashville Metro’s Criminal Warrants Division will not provide warrant information via phone or online so the only way for you to find out if there’s an outstanding warrant for your arrest is by going in-person to the Metro Nashville Police Department’s Criminal Warrants Division and ask. You want to find out as soon as possible so that you are not arrested at your work, home, or other embarrassing or compromising location. Without a criminal lawyer, surrender can be risky.

Obviously, the risk of appearing in-person without a lawyer to inquire about your arrest warrant is that you’ll be arrested right then and there with no representation or guidance if one has actually been issued for you. If that sounds too risky for you, the better option is to consult with a Nashville criminal lawyer. This option removes the risk of appearing without an attorney. We often appear with our client for a voluntary “surrender.”

Arranging a “surrender” gives you more control over your situation. In addition to removing the risk of a surprise arrest, this option can help reduce the amount of time you are held in jail/custody (especially if there is a 12-hour hold for a domestic violence charge) and may also help lower or even eliminate your bond amount. Additionally, our attorneys will coordinate connection between our client and a bondsman prior to surrender so that any necessary details can be worked out in advance. Most people find this option to be much less stressful and cost-effective, but you may not even have a warrant out for your arrest. If you want to find out, give us a call.

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Let us know how Sherwood Boutique Litigation can help you. For the fastest response, call (615) 873-5670 during business hours. If it’s after hours or you’d like us to call you, fill out our contact form or contact us via live chat. We’re located in the heart of downtown Nashville. Check the map below for directions.

The Communities We Serve

We serve all of the Nashville Metro area communities, which includes Davidson County and all the surrounding counties. However, we sometimes take larger criminal and/or civil cases, such as bank or investor fraud, that may involve litigating multiple states. Aside from the larger case exemption, the full list of TN communities we serve are listed below.

Davidson County
General Sessions Courthouse
Criminal Courthouse
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Dickson County
General Sessions Courthouse
Criminal Courthouse
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Cheatham County
General Sessions Courthouse
Criminal Courthouse
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Williamson County
General Sessions Courthouse
Criminal Courthouse
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Wilson County
General Sessions Courthouse
Criminal Courthouse
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Robertson County
General Sessions Courthouse
Criminal Courthouse
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Rutherford County
General Sessions Courthouse
Criminal Courthouse
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Sumner County
General Sessions Courthouse
Criminal Courthouse
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Middle District of Tennessee
Federal Courthouse
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